544 Union Avenue

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The Karl Fischer-designed building at 544 Union Avenue, creatively called The Union, is now 100-percent leased, aptsandlofts.com reports. The 98-apartment glass monolith went on the market in November 2013, wooing renters with its rooftop putting green and other stylish amenities. [CurbedWire inbox; StreetEasy;previously]

BROOKLYN BRIDGE PARK—BBP’s Pier 2 and Pier 4 beach will be open for strolling following an official opening ceremony on Thursday, May 22 at 3:30 p.m. The decree will see the addition of five acres of recreation space for basketball, handball, bocce, swings, picnic tables, restrooms, and fitness equipment. The ceremony will also welcome Pier 4’s beach, which will feature a boat launch and bird habitat. Pier 2’s full-size roller rink will be joining the flock in late June. At last, and just in time for summer.

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