Are you apprehensive about hosting a crew of wing-eating, ball-tossing friends in your apartment for the big game? Concerned that your rooms will be filled to capacity? Not to worry, Heatherwood has a game plan that is sure to make the big game, a big success!
Training Day
In the days leading up to the big game, be sure to get a precise head count of your crew then, formulate a strategy that includes; seating (this may include moving furniture), access to snacks, cleaning, and of course, damage control. Rabid football fans sometimes have a tendency to swing their arms, hi-five, or jump up-and-down during big plays so be sure to move delicate items off shelves, put away glass vases and family portraits that you don’t want ruined in the scrimmage.
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Of course a big screen for the big game is at top of the list. But sadly not all of us have access to that kind of space in a studio or one bedroom apartment. But the size of your screen (or the surround-in-your-sound) should not put a damper on the success of your party! Here’s what you do…first, tell your friends that they’ll be limited space and a smaller screen to view the game and if they’re fine with that, great! Second, ask your friends if they have access to large Tablets, Laptops and/or iPads, and sprinkle these screens around the apartment. Finally, don’t be afraid to open the viewing area up to other rooms. Chances are pretty good that you have a TV in your bedroom and that’s just fine! Add some chairs, snacks and make this a private viewing area for children or older guests who want some privacy (good advice here…make your bed!).
Concession Stand
Sometimes the snacks you serve are just as important as the game itself. A good game plan includes; stacking the menu with foods that don’t require forks, knives, or spoons (finger foods usually work best). Be sure to clear all table tops, counter tops and coffee tables of your normal decor, and replace them with dishes and serving trays filled with snacks and nosh-able treats! Lastly, make sure you have plenty of napkins! Come to think of it, paper towels might be more appropriate for your footballing friends to help pick up mustard spills or drink fumbles.
Game Day Courtesy
Sometimes during the big game, crowds tend to get loud and possibly unruly (this is normal). But living in an apartment complex on Long Island or in an apartment building in Brooklyn or Queens, it is important to remind your guests that you have neighbors (some that might not be as passionate about football as you). So while it is ok to “support the team,” remember you’ll be the one left living next to your neighbors long after the final score has been tallied. Also, if guests do step outside to smoke a cigarette or get some fresh air, ask them to be courteous by; picking up their cigarette butts or taking their empty cups inside to dispose of them properly.
Crowd Source
Remember, the Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event of the year and you will not be the only one in your apartment complex to be hosting a party. So it may be important to let your fellow tenants (and your complex superintendent) know that there may be some extra cars in the parking lot on this day. A good strategy here is to have your guests “carpool” or take an “Uber” to your apartment. Lastly, make sure your crew “designates a driver”. No one wants any issues after the game that will put a damper on your reputation as a model-tenant.
Hosting a party for the Big Game in your apartment or know someone who is? Why not share this post with them on Facebook, Twitter or Google. Have a great tip you use when hosting a large gathering in your apartment that we may have missed? Leave us a comment below.