Did you know that Heatherwood Luxury Rentals has available apartments located in Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island that are in close proximity to many local colleges? With this in mind, here’s a room by room list of college apartment essentials every student will need before they move in.
Stream your way to an A
Sure you’ll be doing homework and going to extra help classes, but everyone needs a little time to unwind right? So first thing you’ll need to pack is your laptop. Not only for doing your homework, but for those Netflix binge sessions that will definitely help you relax before you hit the books (at least that’s what you can tell your parents).
Cozy Ever After
Chances are you’ll be sharing your apartment with another student, and relaxing on the couch may not always be an option. And let’s face it; everyone needs some privacy from time to time. We suggest packing a large beanbag chair or sofa-sack! These items are perfect for late night studying (when privacy is of the utmost concern). These cozy seats can be thrown in a spare room or in a quiet corner of any living area. Just be sure to claim your space quickly (before someone else does).
The Rest Room
Sharing the bathroom in an apartment is undoubtedly the hardest part of college living. Here are some great suggestions on what to pack: shelves, bins and rolling storage carts; these items are easy to pack (when collapsed) and easy to set up when you arrive. Find storage items large enough to hold bottles, cleansers, towels, soap, toilet paper, etc. Bonus tip: Having cleaning products and other essentials visible may motivate your roommates to help clean more frequently. And don’t forget the shower curtain!
Dining Hall
Maybe you lived on campus last semester and the dining hall just didn’t cut it, well this year you’ll be preparing meals in your very own kitchen…how exciting! But don’t forget, you’ll need to pack silverware, pots, pans, plates, a strainer (pasta will be your go-to meal) and yes, that all important coffee maker! And what goes great with coffee and group study sessions? Cookies! So don’t forget the cookie sheets and oven mitts. Bonus Tip: Heatherwood offers cooking demonstrations and instructional classes from time to time in our Brooklyn and Queens locations as part of our amenity packages. Who knows? There may be a world class chef lurking somewhere inside you.
Living it Up
Lastly, let’s address the living room in your apartment. This room will probably see the most traffic and as such, is going to need some serious attention. Be sure you pack: a couch, a chair or two, end tables, lamps, a TV (a small one will do) and a TV stand. Hand-me-downs from parents (or discount deals on craigslist) should help you fill up your space. Don’t worry; you can set your Xbox up on a crate, nothing fancy needed here.
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