Quick Tips To Turn The Average Apartment Renter Into The Ultimate BBQ Host!

  |     |   Amenities, Apartment Advice, Apartment Renters Tips, apartment renters tips, Apartments, Heatherwood Luxury Rentals, Seasonal

Attention Apartment Renters: get your aprons ready because BBQ season is upon us and it’s your turn to host! Backyard space can sometimes be limited when renting an apartment on Long Island, Brooklyn or Queens, but that’s no reason for apartment renters to throw in the towel! Transform into the perfect BBQ host with these quick tips!    

INQUIRE ABOUT YOUR APARTMENT AMENITIES: Before you stress over limited space, see what amenities your apartment complex has to offer. Heatherwood Luxury Rentals offers their residents access to a list of amenities that differ with each location and can be beneficial to you when hosting a summer BBQ! Community BBQ grills, Rentable Party Rooms, Recreation Rooms, Outdoor Terrace and Play Areas are just few of the amenities that can be used by Heatherwood’s apartment renters on Long Island, Brooklyn or Queens.

MAP IT OUT: Before you send out any invitations, figure out how many people you can comfortably fit based on the size of your
luxury apartment

SEND OUT E-VITES: We recommend sending out invitations to the potential guests
to get an accurate head count. Sites like punchbowl.com are perfect for sending out free e-vites.

SHOP ONLINE: Food shopping online has become an extremely popular trend for apartment renters especially those residing in NYC, Brooklyn or Queens. Have your groceries delivered directly to your Apartment’s front door and save yourself a trip to the grocery store.

SAFETY FIRST: As the host, your guest’s safety is your responsibility. With that being said make sure to have a spray bottle ready for any small flare-ups, a fire extinguisher handy, and a working smoke alarm in the party area.

More BBQ safety & cleaning tips

PARTY TIME: Make sure to have the perfect BBQ playlist ready to go before the day of the party! Check out Spotify or Apple music for premade playlists if you need help getting songs together. In addition to the music, you can refrain from any dull moments by having ready to play party games! Whether it’s corn hole, group trivia or a card game, keep your guests entertained while still respecting the other residents in your apartment building! Most luxury apartment complex’s have courtyards or play areas so you can take the fun and games outdoors!Get ready apartment renters, it’s your time to shine! Use these helpful tips to make the best of your space and become the awesome party host you’re destined to be!

Get ready apartment renters, it’s your time to shine! Use these helpful tips to make the best of your space and become the awesome party host you’re destined to be!

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