Things to Consider NOT Having in Your Apartment!

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Living in an apartment is often associated with new found freedom (especially if this is your first home-away-from-home). But, this doesn’t mean that “anything goes”! You still have a lease to abide to and fellow neighbors to consider. So we’ve taken the liberty of compiling a list of things that you should never have in your apartment.

Amplifier and GuiterUnplugged

Musicians and rock stars are always cheered; that is when we’re in bars, nightclubs or concert halls. But one place music fans don’t want to see drums, guitars and amplifiers…is in an apartment! Fellow tenants cringe when they see a U-Haul backing-in with instruments and musical equipment. Even the most responsible musicians sometimes lose their cool, and rock-out now and then. Just remember, noise-complaints and repeated disturbances may get you removed from your apartment, so it may be best to leave these items at the rehearsal space.


Door KnockerExpect the Inspection

Although living in apartment does come with privacy rules, there are times when landlords and/or their proxies will inspect your apartment. They will look for things that your lease agreement probably doesn’t allow (i.e. space heaters, overloaded extension cords, etc.). So be sure to read your lease agreement thoroughly and be aware of what is allowed in your apartment, and what is not. One thing is for sure, if there is a pet in your apartment that no-one knows about it, you risk losing your furry family member if you’re found-out. Honesty is always the best policy.

Moving from a House to a Luxury Apartment

Water, Water Everywhere.

Yes it’s true, it’s not 1970…but there are still some apartment renters who just can’t give up their waterbeds! This is the type of item that should definitely be put on the “do not transport” list when moving into a new apartment. So, it may be time to ditch the water bed and grab one of those mail order-in-a-box-mattresses. The 21st century thanks you.


Neon SignSchool’s out!

You’ve just graduated college and found your first job and first apartment in Brooklyn. Look at you, you’re all grown up! And although you’ve just moved in to your first apartment (and your budget may be low), there are definitely some things you should leave behind. Milk crates, blow-up chairs, that mini-fridge, lava lamps, unframed posters (nothing says temporary living space more than unframed posters), plastic or wicker furniture, and neon lights are now perfect for garage sales, or handing-down to incoming freshman. Welcome to life in the big city!

The Apartment Hunters Survival Guide


House guests, sleepovers, family members…of course they’re welcome in your apartment from time-to-time, but a full time roommate? No way, not without approval. Most lease agreements come with the full understanding that roommates in your apartment without approval, may be breaking occupancy laws and could be construed as a breach of contract. In the case of Heatherwood Luxury Rentals; roommates, adult family members, and long term guests MUST be added to your lease. So, whether you live with Heatherwood or not, at the very least, roommates or long term guests should be mentioned to your landlord or apartment Management Company to save you from legal hassles down the road.


Heatherwood Luxury Rentals has been providing luxury apartment rentals on Long Island, in Brooklyn and in Queens for over 60 years! We have policies and procedures in place that will make your apartment living experience as effortless and as pain-free as possible. Learn more about our apartments for rent here.

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