Category Archives: Fitness

Great Fitness Tips from Heatherwood Luxury Rentals.

5 Ways Renting an Apartment Can Increase Your Productivity

In today’s hectic, hurry-up-and-wait world, people are constantly searching for ways to make their lives easier & more productive. Well did you know that renting an apartment can increase your productivity, focus and help create a more comfortable and easy-going lifestyle? It’s true! Below are just 5 ways that renting an apartment can make you…

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Winter Heating Hacks for Apartment Dwellers!

Cold weather got you down? Need a boost of heat to set you right? Heatherwood has some great winter heating hacks to help you get through winter. Now you’re cooking On those cold winter nights when the thermometer doesn't have your best interests in mind…you can still beat that chill back by baking something yummy in…

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Fitness Center Etiquette for Apartment Renters

With autumn here and winter on the way, your “outdoor” workouts will rapidly be changing! Soon running or walking outside is something you’ll be doing exclusively indoors…at least till next spring. So if you’re not familiar with how to share workout space with your fellow apartment renters, let’s go through some basic fitness center etiquette.…

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6 cool ways to stay… cool, This Summer

Living on Long Island during the dog days of summer can be a bit of a task. Even though all Heatherwood Luxury Rentals come equipped with air conditioning, it’s sometimes still a challenge to remain cool when you’re outside–or inside–during your busy work day. So, here are some of Heatherwood’s favorite ways to stay composed…

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