Tag Archives: clean my apartment

Practical, but Essential Back-to-School Supplies!

Back to School this year means something completely different for young and old. Not only will your child need pencils, pens, notebooks and erasers…they’ll also need to stock up on some ‘out-of-the ordinary’ items too. Here’s a helpful list for you to consider.     Mask and Face Coverings The fight to keep Covid-19 at…

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Things to Consider NOT Having in Your Apartment!

Living in an apartment is often associated with new found freedom (especially if this is your first home-away-from-home). But, this doesn’t mean that “anything goes”! You still have a lease to abide to and fellow neighbors to consider. So we’ve taken the liberty of compiling a list of things that you should never have in…

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Create a More Soundproof Apartment with These 5 Tips!

No matter what apartment you choose to rent you must remember, your new friends and neighbors will be living very close. Some neighbors will be on the floor above you, some below, or they may be right next door! But don’t despair, there ‘are’ ways you can live in your apartment quietly and comfortably; here…

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Declutter and Donate: Spring Cleaning with a Purpose!

A blog post with two parts! Spring cleaning and decluttering tips for your apartment, followed by exactly what you can do with all the stuff you just cleaned and decluttered! Decluttering Tips Here are some simple rules you can use to help you decide what’s cluttering up your apartment and what you should keep around…

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21 Online Resources for Apartment Renters in need of Decorating Advice

You’ve just landed the perfect apartment, in the best location, with affordable rent. Now the hard part; decorating your new space! Below are various resources first time apartment renters can use to help them decorate their new space like a pro! Let TV be your Guide Are you still binge watching Ray Donovan? If so,…

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The Apartment Renters Handbook to: The Wonderful World of Galley Kitchens!

When people hear the term “Galley Kitchen” they usually think of a kitchen on a ferry, an airplane or RV. But today, Galley Kitchens are everywhere and are actually ultra-high-end, functional and come with plenty of storage space. Below are just a few reasons why Galley Kitchens have become so popular!   Within Reach Galley…

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